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80 New Demos - Release #1007 Comments: 11 Posted by Russia skArp on 25.05.22 15:09

Canada w1ndowpan3 gets permanently banned for submitting demos cheated with bhop, strafe hacks

Hong Kong colcolx

ivns_orangez3 done in 00:31.44 ( 00:31.73 Argentina seniug ) (+23 KZ points)
kzlu_fj_dustclimb done in 01:34.68 ( 01:35.28 Unknown Evis ) (+8 KZ points)
ncp_castle done in 00:59.59 ( 01:16.22 Unknown PoGdAb ) (+23 KZ points)
sp1_warmup done in 01:03.67 ( 01:03.90 Czech Republic fykseN ) (+16 KZ points)

Argentina Cupe

kzro_pussy done in 01:45.50 ( 01:46.73 Russia Sly ) (+4 KZ points)
tun_pc_beets done in 01:32.56 ( 01:32.89 Bulgaria Hawaii ) (+6 KZ points)

China Dawn

5oXen_hb_L377 done in 01:20.30 ( 01:24.31 Taiwan Juby ) (+42 KZ points)
extremebeachrace_ez done in 02:47.11 ( 02:48.90 Brazil .script ) (+5 KZ points)
hb_JKR done in 02:21.63 ( 02:43.20 Russia sekai ) (+68 KZ points)
hb_momoko_h done in 00:33.78 ( 00:35.71 Romania Houston ) (+12 KZ points)
siren_synergy_h done in 04:34.79 ( 06:28.67 Russia Zimok ) (+59 KZ points)

Taiwan decade.

agami_units_x done in 01:05.78 ( 01:05.87 Bulgaria robo ) (+4 KZ points)

Argentina emmalahana

axn_abyss done in 00:09.62 ( 00:09.63 Belgium badgamer ) (+42 KZ points)
notkz_bhop_fog done in 00:10.77 ( 00:10.81 Belgium badgamer ) (+93 KZ points)

China FastLiuBi

agami_60u done in 00:17.93 ( 00:17.95 China meLn0n ) (+51 KZ points)
notkz_easy-time done in 00:03.72 ( 00:03.73 Ukraine sick ) (+188 KZ points)
sl_greyspiral done in 00:24.35 ( 00:24.41 China FastLiuBi ) (+9 KZ points)

Japan Hinata

ins_blacknwhite done in 00:32.48 ( 00:32.70 Argentina rawe ) (+19 KZ points)
kaspek_manianadoyhistoria done in 00:27.27 ( 00:27.32 Uruguay Matelala ) (+19 KZ points)
kzfj_rockclimb done in 00:51.09 ( 00:51.20 Argentina rawe ) (+18 KZ points)

Taiwan Juby

ins_brickvalley done in 00:24.04 ( 00:24.48 Argentina rawe ) (+5 KZ points)
kz-endo_misguided done in 02:00.81 ( 02:30.32 Romania Houston ) (+20 KZ points)
kzkg_xmas_2010 done in 01:45.62 ( 01:47.73 Brazil zen ) (+12 KZ points)
malle_hb_smk1337 done in 02:23.51 ( 02:25.64 Romania Houston ) (+3 KZ points)

Bulgaria klinch

ce_bronzeblock done in 00:35.67 ( 00:35.82 Argentina afu ) (+20 KZ points)
cnd_nighthop done in 00:35.26 ( 00:35.73 Argentina rawe ) (+14 KZ points)
hb_sorryftw done in 00:17.53 ( 00:18.06 Argentina rawe ) (+39 KZ points)
kz-endo_smallchamber done in 00:45.58 ( 00:45.92 Argentina afu ) (+9 KZ points)
mrcn_adventure done in 00:54.74 ( 00:55.52 Russia Dolphin ) (+11 KZ points)

China LANE

Elz_bhoppalace done in 00:29.91 ( 00:30.28 Germany wayz ) (+10 KZ points)
Elz_randomblock done in 00:34.32 ( 00:34.45 China chun ) (+21 KZ points)
HDem_myNata_H done in 04:22.30 ( 06:16.98 Russia sekai ) (+62 KZ points)
bhop_lyy_force done in 00:31.06 ( 00:31.45 Bulgaria klinch ) (+16 KZ points)
den_3rooms_h done in 02:10.02 ( 02:36.27 Russia topoviygus ) (+35 KZ points)
fu_bawhop done in 02:08.65 ( 02:09.39 Argentina rawe ) (+4 KZ points)
fu_roundhops done in 04:02.65 ( 04:15.52 Lithuania PuKiS ) (+16 KZ points)
hb_10 done in 02:15.74 ( 02:22.64 Germany Lykka ) (+15 KZ points)
hb_D3D done in 01:33.55 ( 01:33.61 Taiwan Juby ) (+5 KZ points)
hb_cd done in 00:53.02 ( 01:05.91 Argentina Mrjuice ) (+99 KZ points)
hb_gene done in 01:16.39 ( 01:19.69 Hong Kong colcol` ) (+31 KZ points)
hb_inj3ct0r done in 02:25.18 ( 02:26.30 Great Britain Quality ) (+6 KZ points)
heiss_longjumps[250x8] done in 00:24.28 ( 00:24.42 Bulgaria Xsi ) (+58 KZ points)
hf_ljrun done in 00:25.65 ( 00:26.17 Bulgaria Axerial ) (+8 KZ points)
hits_shitbhop done in 00:59.07 ( 01:01.73 Bulgaria Axerial ) (+15 KZ points)
ih_ljempire done in 00:41.64 ( 00:44.02 Bulgaria klinch ) (+35 KZ points)
imkz_contrast done in 00:46.89 ( 00:47.60 Poland memek ) (+7 KZ points)
ins_fuji done in 02:58.69 ( 03:04.10 Finland Johnny ) (+20 KZ points)
int_orange done in 01:19.81 ( 01:21.89 China IemGn1Q ) (+11 KZ points)
kaspek_Viva_LyNn done in 00:17.18 ( 00:17.38 Argentina rawe ) (+41 KZ points)
kaspek_tramposos done in 00:29.00 ( 00:29.14 Bulgaria klinch ) (+28 KZ points)
kzlt_smalltemplehop done in 01:38.99 ( 01:55.94 Argentina rawe ) (+44 KZ points)
kzlt_smalltemplehop_v2 done in 02:02.83 ( 02:14.46 China patchouli ) (+36 KZ points)
kzsca_we_distance done in 00:37.98 ( 00:38.97 Argentina rawe ) (+8 KZ points)
kztw_deserthole_h done in 00:57.39 ( 00:58.21 United States fanzeng ) (+7 KZ points)
kzua_metal_blocks_hard done in 04:07.18 ( 04:20.06 Hong Kong colcolx ) (+20 KZ points)
mkz_weirdjumps_h done in 08:09.88 ( 20:53.23 Finland Johnnyy ) (+61 KZ points)
mls_11ways[longjump] done in 00:20.93 ( 00:21.12 Hong Kong Yukari ) (+19 KZ points)
mls_ljrace done in 03:21.47 ( 03:23.51 Czech Republic fykseN ) (+3 KZ points)
mls_pal_bhops_h done in 03:25.34 ( 05:35.23 China LANE ) (+78 KZ points)
noz_jumpstyles_h done in 00:35.30 ( 00:35.37 Uruguay Matelala ) (+12 KZ points)
noz_jumpstyles_m done in 00:32.82 ( 00:33.43 Bulgaria klinch ) (+12 KZ points)
nz_lidt_af_hvert done in 00:52.77 ( 00:53.41 Russia topoviygus ) (+19 KZ points)
over_longjumps[250-253] done in 00:11.35 ( 00:11.44 China LANE ) (+97 KZ points)
qcg_hb_evis done in 01:12.64 ( 01:21.23 Bulgaria ata ) (+23 KZ points)
six_cbblebhop done in 01:15.82 ( 01:16.91 Hong Kong colcolx ) (+14 KZ points)
smk_hnseu_bridge2 done in 00:36.78 ( 00:36.83 Argentina afu ) (+17 KZ points)
smk_zink_hitrock done in 00:57.12 ( 00:58.23 Hong Kong colcol` ) (+25 KZ points)
spm_hullbhop done in 00:54.64 ( 00:59.14 China FvkoE ) (+26 KZ points)
unbkz_alert done in 00:56.73 ( 00:57.12 Estonia c0c0n. ) (+13 KZ points)

United States lgw

d3_cool_run_v2 done in 00:07.37 ( 00:07.44 Belgium badgamer ) (+41 KZ points)

Poland Okazys

deathrun_wild_h_timer done in 00:47.18 ( 01:01.16 China FN007 ) (+138 KZ points)
deathrun_wild_timer done in 00:46.02 ( 00:59.99 Hong Kong colcol` ) (+71 KZ points)

Argentina rawe

hb_YRagoN92 done in 127:17.67 ( **:** Unknown n/a ) (+1 KZ point)

Unknown Teaam.D3D

tig_mysadness done in 02:01.81 ( **:** Unknown n/a ) (+1 KZ point)

United States Un1Moon

duckez_scrollbreaker done in 00:12.57 ( 00:13.09 China Un1Moon ) (+54 KZ points)
ih_bigstairs_kwr done in 00:18.61 ( 00:19.44 Great Britain Un1Moon ) (+83 KZ points)
ih_stairmania done in 00:21.53 ( 00:22.12 China Un1Moon ) (+64 KZ points)
vLy_TSLTTS done in 00:40.94 ( 00:41.90 China Un1Moon ) (+22 KZ points)

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